
Crimson Hits 400 in Sports For Weekend

Track Team Conquers Yale as Crew Loses on Lake Cayuga; Nine Drops Two Ivy Games

Crimson teams emerged from a crowded weekend of games, matches, and races with a checkered record figuring to a percentage of .400, six wins in 15 contests, and marked one of the less successful periods of the spring sports season.

The brightest spot in the weekend cavalcade was the 71 1/2 to 63 1/2 victory of the track team over the Yale Varsity at New Haven. Freshman runners fared not so well losing to the Blue first-year men by the narrowest of margins, two points garnered in the last event.

Crew Second

Cayuga's blue waters saw the Varsity crew knocked from the ranks of the high and unbeaten by an inspired Cornell eight, but the Jayvees won while the 150 crew brought the Goldthwaite Cup back to Cambridge for the sixth straight regatta, beating out Yale and Princeton at Derby. Jayvee and Freshmen 150's both were beaten.

Baseball teams from Harvard had a bad weekend as the Varsity at Princeton lost its batting eye and dropped 3 to 2 and 1 to 0 games to Pennsylvania and Princeton. At Soldiers Field the Yardling nine dropped a 5 to 3 decision to the Yale Freshmen, and the Jayvee team over whelmed their New Haven counterparts, 12 to 3.


Lacrosse Victory

The only other Varsity to win was the lacrosse team which had little trouble with a team from New Hampshire and got 10 goals to the opponents' 3. Dartmouth Freshmen beat the Yardling lacrosse team 10 to 1.

In a series of weekend matches the Varsity golf-team lost the right to represent New England in the Eastern championships, while the tennis Varsity lost to a Graduate School squad, 7 to 3. The Freshman team put Exeter away by a 7 to 2 count and thereby stayed unbeaten.
