
Wildberg, Noted New York Producer, Talks On Television Today

John Wildberg, prominent Broadway producer, will lecture on "Television: The Eighth Lively Art" at 4 o'clock today in Emerson Hall. The address is sponsored jointly by William B. Van Lennep, Curator of the Library Theater Collection, and the Harvard Dramatic Club.

Wildberg's productions include such noted hits as "Porgy and Bess" and "Anna Lucasta." A pioneer in the "eighth lively art," he predicts that "the very immediate future will see a boom in television which will make the sudden expansion of motion pictures and radio in the late 1920's seem like a mere echo."

The lecture will be open to all persons who are interested in television. After the talk, Wildberg will answer questions on the future of the industry.

Public demand, according to Wildberg, is the stimulus for television's development. "There is hardly a person," he feels, "who would so want to divorce himself from the exciting events in the world today as to be without a television receiver."


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