
Graduate Advisory Group Elections Name Twelve as Nine Are Appointed

Social Science Area Gets Nine Representatives; Six Posts Go To Concentrators in Natural Sciences, Classics; Election Of Three Council Officers Will Occur in Two Weeks

The Graduate Advisory Council last night announced the names of 12 students who will assume posts on the new Council as a result of elections held before the vacation. Simultaneously the Council made public the names of nine other students who were appointed in accordance with the present constitution. Associate members were also chosen but are subject to committee approval.

Those elected from the area of Natural Sciences were Frederick C. Brown 2G, Horace C. Davis 1G, Julian Eisenstein 3G, and William 10. Keller 2G. Appointed were Herbert P. Broida 3G, and Gweneth Carson 1G.

Nine from Social Sciences

Elected from the area of Social Sciences were Mary Lou Bensley 2G, Shreekant A. Palekar 1G, Andrew E. Rice 1G, and Richard N. Swift 1G. Those appointed were Munro S. Edmonson 1G, Florence K. Nierman 2G, Melvin Richter 1G, O. Glenn Saxon 1G, and W. P. Snavely 2G.

Elections in the area of Arts, Letters, and Philosophy named R. B. Angell 2G, Margaret Breed 1G, Albert Merriman, Jr. 6G, and Alfred Schwarz 1G. Edward II. Addelson 4G and Raymond J. Dorius 3G were appointed.


Meets Monday

The new Council will meet for the first time in joint session next Monday while election of officers is scheduled for the following week. At this time a president, a secretary, and a treasurer will be elected. The treasurer in addition to his Council duties will also become manager of the Graduate School Club.

Gerald J. Holton 4G, chairman of the Council, pointed out that the constitution under which the Council is currently operating permits that body to appoint nine students to the group in order to assure representation of the Radcliffe, married, and veteran factions.

Among the problems facing the new Council will be the question of degree requirements and that of housing facilities.
