
Council Votes $540 for Help To Needy Men

Grants Help 15 Students Meet Term Bills; College Fund for International Center Asked

Scholarships totalling $540 went to 15 needy University undergraduates last night as the Student Council voted the largest amount in its history to aid students in financial straights in meeting their term bills.

Men receiving grants were selected as the most worthy out of a field of 25 applicants interviewed by Council members Robert D. Cross '45 and Edric A. Weld, Jr '46 prior to Spring vacation. The Council laid plans for further scholarships pending the issue of final Spring term bills.

Francis D. Fisher '47, International Activities Committee chairman, was authorized at last night's Council meeting to propose to University officials that they renew financial aid to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Mead's International Student Center in Cambridge.

Serves 350 Students

Aid to the Center, which opens its facilities to approximately 350 foreign students at the University on a weekly basis, originally amounted to three dollars per head but was cut off in 1941 as a war measure.


The Council also decided to appoint two members to co-operate with the American Veterans Committee housing group in investigating complaints of commuters who feel they deserve space in the Houses.

Robert A. Curley '46 and a Council member yet to be named will help the joint committee in making recommendations to Dean Robert B. Watson's office when vacancies in the Houses occur.

William L. Bruce '46 and Joseph D. Everingham '49 were appointed co-chairmen of the N.S.O. committee at the meeting.
