
Admission Office Receives Flood of Applications for Entrance Next Fall

Applications for admission to the College next fall are pouring in upon the Admission Office in a greater flood than ever before, Richard M. Gummere, chairman of the Committee on Admission, announced last week.

Gummere estimated that the number of applications received from students in secondary schools is now 30 percent over the total of similar applications filed with the Admission Office by this same time last year.

However, he stated that the Office could not ascertain the exact number of those seeking entrance, as many who have requested information about the University have not yet filed their applications.

Secondary School Exams Saturday

Meanwhile, secondary school students throughout the country who are seeking to gain entrance to Harvard and other major colleges will take the College Entrance Examinations Saturday.


These examinations are in two parts, a three-hour Scholastic Aptitude test, in the morning, which is required of all students, and, in the afternoon, several one-hour achievement tests in specific subjects, of which students are expected to take three.
