"It's Superman!"
"It's a plane!"
"It's one of them damn Yard pigeons!"
Yes, spring was in the air of the Widener reading room yesterday, as two winged visitors from the great outdoors floated into the hallowed confines and flapped cheerily around the arched ceiling while distracted students gaped.
When the pigeons continued to foil all would-be ejectors, a mild boom in eyeshades was reported around the Square as chronic library-goers dug in for a sustained aerial seige. "It may be good for flowers, but I'm no lily," quipped one burly book-lover."
In an exclusive CRIMSON interview last night, pigeon no. 1 (grey, male) cast an eagle eye on pigeon no. 2 (brown, young; female) and squawked, "Well stacked-the shelves, that is."
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