
First Cyclist Who Makes Wellesley Sunday Gets Succulent Reception

"Wellesley or bust," will be heard once again over the Turnpike Sunday when the Bicycle Club sponsors its annual race into the bosoms of a hearty reception committee ranged in front of Alumnae Hall at the girls' college.

A wartime casualty, the ten and one half mile race in 1947 will be the first since 1942, when John T. Potter '45 set a record of 28 minutes, 30 seconds.

Any member of the University is eligible to enter. Two and five-minute handicaps, representing approximately half and full mile head starts, will be awarded cyclists on the basis of equipment and proven ability. Only pure racing bicycles, fenderless, aerodynamically efficient machines, will start from scratch. Entrants should sign up on the Outing Club bulletin board in Sover.

Chestnut Hill Start

With police help usually furnished to keep intersections clear along the way, the field will start its run from the Chestnut Hill Avenue-Worcester Turnpike intersection and will speed out along the Turnpike to Weston Avenue and thanes to Wellesley.


The College's Bicycle Racing Club is one of the nation's oldest, dating back into the 1880's. Sox-starved cyclists have raced to Smith-with a record time of 5 hours, 25 minutes, 35 seconds-and Wheaton, and in 1941 staged a high-wheeler race to the 'Cliffe in period costumes.

Waiting at Wellesley Sunday with open arms will be petite Freshman Prentice LarRiou who has promised a "very special" kiss for the winner. "I just love bicycles," cooed Prentice.
