
Entire College Can Buy Jubilee Tickets

With more than half of the available Jubilee tickets already sold, all remaining ducats will go on sale today to the entire student body at booths in the Coop, Phillips Brooks House, and the Union.

Only about 150 of the original 500 tickets are left after three days of purchasing by Yardlings, as the lure of a prize dance with a pretty model drew many to the ticket desk to enter next week's lottery.

Meanwhile, the publicity committee has tabulated the results of its Jubilee activities poll, distributed last week to Union Freshmen. More than 90 percent of those answering stated their intentions of coming to the May 10 formal, while about 75 percent intend to visit the informal "cabaret" Friday night.

Out-of-Cambridge activities and the Yale Freshman baseball game did not seem so popular, drawing the affirmatives of only one in five, but expense-conscious Yardlings voted almost unanimously for cut-rate corsages.
