
Lacrosse Ten Will Meet Dartmouth In League Opener

The Varsity lacrosse team will attempt its first hurdle in the New England Intercollegiate Lacrosse League race tomorrow afternoon when it vies with Dartmouth's Indians in the old redskin game on the Business School Field.

The visitors are as tough an initial test as the schedule-makers could pick. It is doubtful whether the lacrossemen will meet another league opponent of the same calibre until they tangle with Yale late in May. If they are able to take this one, Harvard will be in a challenging position in the scramble for the Briggs trophy.

Teams Well Matched

Judging from the comparative scores against Navy, the teams are extremely evenly matched, both losing to the men from Annapolis by the identical margin. The Green attack, led by former all-American Merriam, is considered to be slightly better than anything Harvard has shown. However, high scoring Varsity captain Jay Hurley will be a constant Crimson threat.

Tomorrow's lineup will find Hurley, Rogers and Gregg at the attack positions, Dewey, Esten and Abbot as midfielders, and Forsythe, Davis, and Graham on the defense. In the goal, coach Maddux will start Allen.
