With tennis courts nearcer than Scotch whiskey and toilet paper these days, a brief summary of what playing facilities are available to undergraduates is in order.
Fourteen courts have been opened recently behind the Business School and are open to all from 11 to 2 o'clock weekdays, and from 1:30 to 6 o'clock Sundays. An attendant is on hand daily from 12 to 6 o'clock to accept reservations for these courts, which can be made two days in advance, Sundays excluded. Reservations can be made Saturday for the following Monday or Tuesday.
After delivering this information yesterday, H.A.A. official Carroll Getchell went on to say that players must appear in person to make their reservations as there is no telephone at the courts. However, news as to whether the courts have been closed for the day because of rain or otherwise can be had by calling his office any morning.
From 2 o'clock until dusk each weekday the Varsity and Freshman teams and the Freshman compulsory program take over completely. But, Getchell said, some of the courts may be available on Saturday afternoons when the teams are away. Furthermore, the advent of daylight saving time a week from Sunday may find the courts open later than 6 o'clock.
Ranging elsewhere in the face of overwhelming odds, the local Tildens will find the Cambridge courts behind Dunster House and the Metropolitan District Commission courts further down the River opposite Braves Field, open to the public free of charge. Unfortunately the city has gotten tired of footing the bill for pilfered nets, and players must bring their own.
Falling in all this, racketmen can only contract an acquaintance with someone possessed of his own car and membership in a local country club. The new courts which the University is building will not be ready before the summer term.
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