
Schedule Switch Sets Tufts Track Meet for April 26

Vogel Now Available as Shift Solves Marathon Conflict

Varsity distance men who figured they would escape running up against Tuft's Ted Vogel this spring got a surprise yesterday when they learned that the Jumbos will meet Harvard on April 26, instead of in the April 19 curtain-raiser, as was originally planned.

"Ten points a meet" distance ace Vogel will be gunning for marathon laurels on the earlier date, which probably explains the requested switch. Under the revised schedule, Tufts will swell the April 26 total to five teams--Tufts, Boston College, Holy Cross, Northeastern and Harvard. This meet will be held in the Stadium. The Crimson, Brown, and Rhode Island will meet here on April 19.

Additional track developments on the local scene were the appearances of Doug Pirnie and George Hauptfuhrer, representing the past and present of Harvard athletics in the 1940's. Pirnie, though, who holds the college 220-yard dash record (21.3), warned that he was "very doubtful" about the possibility of his helping the Crimson out this spring. So far he has restricted his practice to easy jogging.

Hauptfuhrer, second-string end last fall and captain-elect of the 1947-48 basketball team, will use the springy legs that netted him so many tap-ins during the winter season to snag points for the Crimson in the high jump.

Meanwhile plans for the annual University Handicap proceeded, with field trials scheduled for this afternoon and the running events on the carpet for tomorrow.
