
HLU Hits Balkan Loan Policy, Sets Condition for Aid

Resolution Voted Last Night Hits Turkish 'Army Relief,' Asks for Democratic Greece

Applying the criterion "will it increase the chances of a lasting peace?" the Harvard Liberal Union affirmed its opposition to President Truman's proposal for immediate loans to Turkey and Greece, in a meeting held last night in the Lowell Junior Common Room.

A resolution enumerating the reasons underlying the HLU stand was drawn up by the assembled members, who were unanimous in their condemnation of Truman's policies.

Oppose Unilateral Aid

Citing Turkey's favorable economic condition in relation to other European countries, the HLU stated flatly that "the loan is to bolster the Turkish army. We are unalterably opposed to setting up buffer armies against the USSR."

Though attacking the present Greek government as fascistic, the resolution favored immediate and generous food shipments to the impoverished nation. Strong pressure on Greece to reform its government was urged as a condition of an economic loan, however.
