
Conant Discloses $30,000 Gift for More Polio Study

National Foundation Donates Fund as Public Health Deans Prepare for Meeting Here

President Conant announced receipt of a grant of $30,000 for polio research last night, as many of the nation's public health teachers prepared to meet here today in the annual conference of the Association of Public Health Schools.

Acquisition of the funds brings the total made available to the School by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to more than $250,000. This latest gift will be used over a three-year period to study the relation of respiration and oxygen therapy to poliomyelitis.

President Basil O'Connor of the Foundation, joining with President Conant in the announcement, stated that attempts would be made to determine objectively the nature and characteristics of different types of respiratory involvement and to develop new techniques for administering oxygen to stricken children.

Announcement of the gift came on the eve of the annual meeting of the Association of Public Health Schools, which will be attended by deans of these schools from all sections of the nation.
