
An Open Letter

Dear Mr. Bingham!

Ten thousand men of Harvard have long looked to you as the personification of fair play and sportsmanship. Today, two million citizens of Brooklyn dazed, bewildered, almost crushed by the injustice of Leo Durocher's suspension--look to the outside world for leadership. Even Magerkurth in all his Olympian ire never dispatched The Lip to the showers for 154 straight games. That's a lot of ball games, Mr. Bingham.

You, Mr. Bingham, can restore Mr. Durocher to baseball and society. We humbly suggest that the Harvard Athletic Association take immediate steps to sign Leo Durocher as first assistant to baseball coach Dolph Samborski. You, Mr. Bingham, must save Leo from the Mexican peso and the Yankee choler.

The advantages of bringing this lovable American boy to Harvard are too numerous to mention. But more important, the self-respect of two million American citizens will be saved when Leo dons the Harvard "H." That's a lot of citizens, Mr. Bingham.

Let Harvard cast its mantle of Veritas about the doughty frame of the nation's newest martyr. And when Leo hits Harvard it may truly be said, "O, suspension where is thy sting? O. Chandler, where is thy victory?"


Mr. Bingham, through your enterprise, Harvard and Brooklyn can clasp hands across a sea of upturned faces. From Williamsburg to Red Hook, from Canarsie to the Gowanus, the eyes of Brooklyn are upon you. You cannot fall them. You must not fail us. The Editors
