
New Religions Council Meets Today at PBH

Group Will Attempt to Advance Relations Between Students Of Different Denominations

Aiming at an increase in "the harmony and friendliness among members of the various religious denominations," Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant students will meet to form a College inter-faith group tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the Noble Room at Phillips Brooks House.

Lawrence R. Klepper '49, who initiated the movement to establish the group, declared that "its purpose will be to promote justice, harmony, and understanding among the various religious faiths at the College."

Though the new organization, which will be known as the Harvard Religious Council, will receive aid at its inception from the National Conference of Christions and Jews, it "will be a purely student group emanating from Harvard undergraduates," according to Klepper.

Hub Leader Endorses Council

Joseph L. McCorison, Jr., Boston director of the National Conference, declared that he has "been looking forward to the formation of such a group at Harvard for some time. The National Conference of Christians and Jews will be very happy to assist the Harvard undergraduates in their enterprise."


Forums and discussions on the common cultural backgrounds of the various religions will be the principle activity of the Council, which will sponsor several inter-faith social events.

Still another of the Religious Council's activities will be a forum to discuss marriage problems, Klepper announced.
