
Four Committees Move Ahead with Jubilee Program

Chairmen of four sub-committees began work yesterday on plans for the Freshman Jubilee scheduled for May 10. The General committee also announced that with the backing of the Dean's office it hopes to obtain the Union for the dance.

John D. Ingram '50 is the treasurer, and will handle all finances. Edward B. Ayres '50 is the secretary, while Richard D. Kimball '50 has taken charge of obtaining a band for the dance. John H. Slayton '50 is the committee's publicity chairman. Henry R. Guild, Jr. '50 will arrange for patronesses.

Other events for the weekend are in prospect besides the Saturday night dance. Although nothing definite can be announced yet, the Committee has hopes of arranging an election to choose a queen from among the dates at the affair.

Several men are investigating the usually difficult Boston hotel situation in the hope of arranging some solution that will ease the student problem. The group is also planning some entertainment for the Friday night before the dance, with perhaps an informal dance and a student variety show.
