
Ex-UN Relief Head Praises College Drive

La Guardia Letter Commends Emergency Food Campaign; Lowell Gifts Top House List

Fiorello H. LaGuardia, former Director General of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, yesterday threw the weight of his experience and knowledge of trying conditions abroad behind the emergency food relief campaign now passing into its sixth day.

In a letter to Richard D. Campbell, Jr. '48, Committee Chairman, LaGuardia stated, "I heartily endorse the Harvard Food Relief drive. I commend it to every thinking and peace-loving American. There is so much hardship and poverty in this world of ours and help so much needed that even the slightest contribution will do great good."

Simultaneously, Campbell readied campaign solicitors for an intensive climax to the drive. Dispatching men to contact directly residents of Harvardevens Village and the Hotel Brunswick, he asserted that "everywhere personal solicitation has been carried don, returns have topped last summer's high average."

Incomplete returns last night placed the faculty at the top of the drive with $1,874, followed closely by the Yard with $1,709. The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences came next with $1,518, then Lowell with $1,318 Adams with $1,134, Eliot with $1,166 Winthrop with $1,047, and the Law School with $1,026.

Dunster Leverett, Claverly, and the commuters followed.


Final count of yesterday's receipts late last night boosted the total to $15,361 as the drive advanced toward its $25,000 goal.
