
Gift of $250,000 Provides Woman Faculty Member

Zemurray Donates New Chair To Honor Son, Daughter

The first woman professor in the 312-year history of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will be appointed shortly as the result of a $250,000 gift to the University by Samuel Zemurray, president of the United Fruit Company.

Zemurray's gift, as announced yesterday by Wilbur K. Jordan, president of Radcliffe College, established a chair to be know as the Samuel Zemurray, Jr. and Doris Zemurray Stone-Radcliffe professorship. The presentation was made in honor of the donor's son, a Business School graduate killed in the war, and his sister, a graduate of Radcliffe.

Under terms of the agreement, the holder of the chair must be "a distinguished woman scholar" named by the University, with the understanding that Radcliffe may suggest candidates. The Radcliffe council must concur in the final appointment.

Ruth Zemurray Stone is now a trustee, as well as a graduate, of Radcliffe and holds a research fellowship for study in Central American Archaeology.
