Thirty-two members of the Executive Committee elected at the Chicago Student Conference in December met in the windy city over the weekend to draft a constitution and program for the proposed National Organization of Students, expected to be established this summer.
At the meeting, Douglass Cater '46, serving as proxy for Clifton Wharton '47, secretary of the Executive Committee, made a report on the Student Council's Committee on International Activities and distributed first copies of the bulletin being published by that group for the national organization.
Group Representative
After lengthy debate, the delegates, who represented every section of the United States, formed plans for a group of regional assemblies which will meet in an annual national cougress. The time and place of the first congress were not definitely decided, but it will probably convene in September at the University of Wisconsin, which has offered facilities.
Commissions were tentatively set up under the following five general hadings:
1. Academic Freedom, Educational Standards, Educational Facilities, and Teaching Methods.
2. Inequalities in Educational Oppor- tunity, Scholarship, and Discrimination in Student Life.
3. Academic, Cultural, Social, and Physical Welfare of Students.
4. Student Rights, Systems of Student Government, Student Publications, and Student - Faculty-Administration Cooperation.
5. International Student Activities
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