
Immigration into Palestine Subject of Debate Today

Freshmen Discuss Labor Role In Management Thursday

Immigration into Palestine will be the topic of debate tonight at 8:30 o'clock in Lowell House Junior Common Room between the Debate Council and a Rutgers debating team.

Taking the affirmative for the Council on the topic: "Resolved, That unlimited immigration into Palestine be allowed," are Hugh M. Hill '48 and Daniel M. Pierce '49.

Tonight's contest will be the sixth of the term for the Council, which up to now has won from Columbia, Osgood Hall, and Temple, while losing to Drew and California.

Also on the week's debate docket is the Freshmen Debating Society's second debate of the year, to be held at the Union on Thursday at 7:30 o'clock.

Robert Fuller and Curtis Jones will uphold the affirmative of the proposition "Resolved, That organized labor should have a more active and participating role in the management of industry." Lloyd Walker and Donald Conley will argue the negative.
