
HDC Announces Irish Drama for Next Production

'Juno and the Paycock' Will Be Last Show of Year; Casting Opens Tonight at Big Tree

Plans for an early May production of Sean O'Casey's "Juno and the Paycock" were announced last night by the Harvard Dramatic Club. Casting will begin at Big Tree at 7:30 o'clock tonight and will continue through tomorrow afternoon and evening.

The play, first presented in the Abbey Theater in Dublin, is a tragic comedy about the life of a lower-class Irish family in the 'twenties.

In presenting this work, the Club will continue in its policy of drawing from as broad a background as possible. Continental drama, represented by "Adam the Creator," and American social drama, as seen in "Waiting For Lefty," have already had an airing on the Sanders stage.

In an attempt to obtain the best possible scenic design for the production, Theodore Allegretti '47, president of the Club, announced that he would hold a competition to pick the best set. "Anyone desiring to submit an entry," said Allegretti, "should contact me at Eliot A-11."


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