
25 Candidates Run on Grad Council Ballot

Graduate Students Hold Second Annual Election Tomorrow In Polls Here, at Radcliffe

Students of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will go to the polls tomorrow to take part in the Graduate Advisory Council's second annual election. Gerald J. Holton 4G, chairman of the Council, said last night that a total of 25 candidates had filed nomination papers and would appear on the ballot.

Hours and locations announced for polling by the School's 2000 students were: Graduate School Dining Hall 11:45 to 1:30 o'clock; Jefferson Laboratory, Room 352, 10 to 12:15 o'clock; Widener Library 10 to 5 o'clock; and Agassiz Hall 11 to 2 o'clock.

Four from Each Area

Although the ballots will list the nominees according to their area of concentration, voters may distribute their three votes among any of the candidates. Final selection of the 12 new members, however, will be made so as to include four men from each of the three areas, Holton stated.

Those on the slate who receive a large number of votes but not sufficient for election may be included in the appointments which will be made to Council committees.


The nominations according to areas are:

Natural Sciences: Nelson M. Blackman 2G, Frederick C. Brown 2G, Gweneth Carson 1G, Horace C. Davis 1G, Julian Eisenstein 3G, William E. Keller 2G, Shreekant A. Palekar 1G;

Social Sciences: Mary Lou Bensley 2G, Elizabeth P. Clark 1G, Robert G. Layer 2G, Bruno J. Palmer-Poroner 1G, Janet Reinertson 2G, Andrew E. Rice 1G, O. Glenn Saxon 1G, J. Schachter 1G, Winton U. Solberg 1G, Richard N. Swift 1G, Jackson Toby 1G, Warren Wilhelm 1G;

Arts, Letters, and Philosophy: Edward Addelson 4G, R. B. Angell 2G, Margaret P. Breed 2G, Raymond J. Dorius 3G, Albert Merriman, Jr. 6G, Alfred Schwarz 1G.
