
Club 100 Committee To Continue Pickets, Will Meet Civic Body

After an evaluation of four days of picketing, the University-wide Committee on Discrimination decided last night that picket lines had been effective enough against the Club 100 to warrant their continuation at least through this week.

Following affirmation of the picketing technique, the Committee set plans for a meeting with the Cambridge Civic Unity League this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The conclave will see an attempt to coordinate the activities of both groups on the Club 100 discrimination issue.

Support for the drive against the Club 100 came from a new source yesterday as the steering committee of the Republican Open Forum expressed its "whole-hearted opposition to the racial discrimination policy of the Club 100." The group resolution backed up those students "who are actively fighting discrimination here in Cambridge."

The Committee meeting's consensus was that the Club 100's Friday and Saturday night business had been effectively reduced by the operation of the picket line outside the establishment. Fower than 200 customers were reported to have crossed the lines on the two nights.
