Economic aid to Greece on the "assurance that the present regime will be made more representative" obtained the sanction of the University AVC chapter last night as the veterans adopted a resolution of the National Planning Committee in favor of financial assistance to the "war-ravaged country."
With two alternate resolutions offered by the chapter's international affairs committee before them, in addition to the stand taken by the national body, the 60-odd members debated for nearly an hour on the measure.
The proposal finally adopted opposed "military aid" to Greece but held that an effective barrier to communism would be erected by the "removal of those conditions of poverty which make communism possible."
No aid to Turkey
The resolution advocated the strengthening of the U. N., and suggested that no action be taken until the Security Council reviews the present situation. Assistance to Turkey met with no approval as the debate centered on the Greek problems.
Before the discussion, the group heard Robert A. Horn instructor in Government, speak in favor of President Truman's views, and Cord Meyer, Jr., chairman of the group's international committee, attack the present form of the administration's stand.
Earlier, the chapter members unanimously approved President Conant's report on Federal aid to education.
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