In a revival of pre-war University policy, application blanks for admission to the Houses have been sent to all students who are eligible to apply for the year 1947-48, Dean Hanford announced Saturday.
These blanks ask for information to be used by the House Masters in making the assignments, such as House of first choice and reason for selecting it, price and type of accommodation desired, academic standing, proposed field of concentration, academic standing, and activities in which the student has engaged.
Single Rooms Scarce
Because of the lack of single rooms, Dean Hanford warned that students "are expected to select their own roommates" and that "men who have made their own combinations will have an advantage over those applying individually." Prospective roommates must file their applications together, Dean Hanford added.
To permit students to familiarize themselves with House food, Union members are being permitted to take a meal in each of the seven Houses. Students desiring to avail themselves of this opportunity must apply in person at the checker's desk in the Union.
In order to answer the questions of those applying for the Houses, the House staffs will hold conference hours during the next two weeks. The time and places of these meetings has been posted on the bulletin boards in the Union and University Hall. Attendance at these conferences is not required.
Applications Due April 10
All applications for rooms in the Houses must be returned to University Hall 16 by April 10, Dean Hanford stated; but he urged students to "file their applications before the recess if possible," because the applications must be sorted and checked before being sent to the Houses of first choice.
Notices of assignment will be sent about May 5, Dean Hanford added.
As a further aid to students perplexed as to which House to apply for, the CRIMSON will run a series of articles describing the relative merits of the different Houses.
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