
AVC's Book Catalogue Proves Help To Both Veterans and Non-Veterans

Since its inception less than a month age, the AVC's used book clearinghouse has made possible the sale of more than 100 texts to students and has been an invaluable aid in informing veterans of their reimbursement rights under the G.L Bill, Stanley H. Lofchie '50, member of the AVC's Student Affairs Committee and manager of the book directory, announced yesterday.

It has been difficult to determine the exact number of persons who have benefited by this service, since many sellers have neglected to remover their cards from the file after selling their books. Nevertheless, Lofchie estimated that well over a hundred volumes have found their way to new owners, while approximately 300 books still remain on the list of available texts.

Vet Book Office Helps

Lofchie gave much of the credit for the success of this clearinghouse to Mrs. Helen McCloskey, of the Veteran Book Office, who has done a large part of the work in setting it up.

Of major importance is the fact that through the system, many veterans have discovered that they are entitled to reimbursement by the government for books which they buy from individual sellers.


Have Scaree Books

At the present time the files include, among other hard to get volume, several cloth bound law books superior to paper bound editions sold about the Square.

Lofchie was confident that the service would become in regular institution here, since AVC plans to turn the file over to an office of the University at some future date. Already PBH has offered to assume the administration of this latest service.
