
Faculty Takes Part in Lowell Free Lectures

Woodworth Music Course Will Be Accompanied by Chorus; Wright to Give Eight Talks

Adult education programs currently on the upsurge in the Greater Boston Area are gaining impetus this year as University professors take the platform of the Boston Library Lecture Hall in a series of free public lecture courses presented under the sponsorship of the historic Lowell Institute.

An elite group of 24 men and women of the Glee Club and the Radcliffe Choral Society will join forces with members of the New England Conservatory Orchestra in vivifying eight lectures on the history of choral music from 1450 to 1750 to be given by G. Wallace Woodworth '24, professor of Music and University Organist and Choirmaster.

"They will sing 60 pieces of music during the eight lectures," Professor Woodworth disclosed yesterday. "Why, it surpasses any achievement I've known among collegiate choruses. We have been practising for it since September." First talk in Professor Woodworth's series will be at five o'clock Monday, February 10.

Eight Lectures on "The Federalist"

American history will take the spotlight March 4 when Benjamin F. Wright, professor of Government, delivers the first of eight lectures on "The Federalist, Its Political History and Its Place in American Constitutional History."


"I shall try to discuss 'The Federalist' in its contemporary meaning and importance," Professor Wright asserted while explaining the aims of his talks, "but I shall be even more concerned with attempting to answer the question of why 'The Federalist' has continued to be an important book in American political thought when it was written for no purpose other than to convince people to vote for the Constitution in 1787 and 1788."

Professor Woodworth's talks will follow after the last lecture on "The Unsolved Problems of Astronomy," a series organized by Harlow Shapley, director of the College Observatory. Applications for tickets to the Lowell Institute Lectures is made by mail to the Curator at the Boston Public Library two days before the beginning of each course.

Another ramification of the Institute program will bring Gordon W. Allport, professor of Psychology to King's Chapel for six free lectures on current topics in theology beginning March 17.
