
Truman Meets 9 Congressmen In Secret Parley

Secret Conference

WASHINGTON, February 27--A top secret conference by President Truman, his diplomatic advisers and key legislators stirred speculation today that some diplomatic decision of world import might be in the making.

Its importance was underscored by the fact that all the conferees were pledged to secrecy. Nine Congressmen, including the Republican chiefs of the Foreign and Appropriations Committees, were consulted. No one would go beyond an announcement of Chairman Vandenberg (R-Mich) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

"On the eve of Secretary (of State) Marshall's departure for Moscow we had a general discussion of the European problem which is involved in the approaching meeting."

The session, for which Marshall and his staff will leave March 5, was arranged to consider the peace treaty for Germany. But it will be the first meeting of the foreign ministers of the United States, Russia, Britain, and France since Britain's economic plight came to a head in the industrial shutdown forced by the coal shortage, leading to some talk that Britain might be forced to reduce her political and military commitments
