
Caen Asks Student Aid In Restoring University

Rector of Normandy University Invites Students to Come to Europe to Help this Summer

University students may have an opportunity to aid in the reconstruction of Normandy this summer. Requests for help have come in the form of a letter from the rector of Caen University received yesterday by the International Activities Committee of the Student Council and another from Les Andelys, Nomandy, raising the possibility of setting up a student-run camp there.

Writing in answer to a letter from the Committee which asked how Harvard undergraduates might be of aid to Caen, the rector expressed the hope that students could come to Europe this summer to help rebuild the University. Almost destroyed on July 7, 1944, by the Allied advance, Caen is now holding classes again but, according to the rector, is in great need of new housing facilities and additional labor to erect them.

The Les Andelys project involves the organization of a children's rest-camp in that village to be conducted by Harvard and Radcliffe students and the possible construction of buildings for a permanent camp. Helen Martin, Radcliffe '48, is investigating the feasibility of undertaking the task.

Fisher Heads Caen Plans

Frank D. Fisher '47, appointed yesterday by the committee to handle all work on the Caen project, said last night that although at this stage nothing can be definite, he was certain that something could be done to aid the French University. At Fisher's request, the International Students Service in Geneva has already begun to see what specific arrangements can be made in Europe.


Apparently students will have to pay their own way to France, but lodgings and perishable foods will be provided by Caen; money raised principally in America would pay for the building materials and other food for the student-workers.

Fisher said that he hopes to be able to announce more concrete plans for the project by the end of the month.
