
Forum Discussion Units Initiate New Program Tonight

8 Groups Will Meet This Week To Study Current Events

Harvard Forum Discussion Groups will usher in spring-term activities this week as three of the eight organized study units start the recently planned Forum program on its way with meetings at 7:30 o'clock.

Tonight a group to analyze "Economic Planning in the Postwar World" convenes in the Kirkland House Senior Common Room; a unit to consider "The Problem of Palestine" in the PBH Foreign Students Lounge" and another conference on "Ideas in Modern Philosophy" in the Radcliffe Chinese Room at Briggs Hall.

Meetings Open to All

Emanuel Parzen '49, president of the Forum, announced yesterday that meetings this week will be open to all Harvard and Radcliffe students, including any men and women who did not fill out a questionnaire distributed in the dining halls two weeks ago.

Tomorrow a group interested in "The Future of the U. N." will gather in Cabot Hall's Longfellow Room at Radcliffe.


"Psychology--The Modern Mind" will be considered on Thursday in the Longfellow Room in Cabot Hall. The PBH Foreign Students Lounge will house a unit to study "Trends in Modern Literature," and "Russia and the World" will be debated in Room 5 at the Union.
