
Cecil Fraser, Professor of Business, Dies

Assistant Business School Dean Succumbs to Heart Attack At Gray Gardens Residence

Cecil E. Fraser '19, associate professor of Business Administration and Assistant Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration, died peacefully early yesterday morning at his home, 20 Gray Gardens West, following a heart attack. He was 51.

Professor Fraser has been Assistant Dean at the Business School since 1940, when he returned there after a ten-year period of business activity, during which he served as Treasurer and Director of Incorporated Investors, and later as President and Director of the Boston Fund, Inc. He was the author of several books in the field of finance, including "Finance" and "Problems in Finance." In the years from 1930 to 1940, he was active in the Republicans Party and was a delegate from Massachusetts to the National Convention in 1936.

Born in Illinois

Born in Champaign, Illinois, professor Fraser was educated at Harvard, receiving his B.S. degree in 1919 and the M.B.A. degree from the Business School two years later. He was a member of the faculty at the Business School from 1921 to 1930.

At the time of his death, professor Fraser was a trustee of the Cambridge Savings Bank, Treasurer of the Buckingham School, Trustee of the Avon Home, and a director of the East End Union.


He is survived by his wife, Clara Foster Fraser, two daughters, his mother, and a sister. Funeral services will be held tomorrow in the Memorial Church.
