
Noted Jesuit Author to Give Address Sunday At Catholic Breakfast

The Reverend Leonard Feeney, S.J., noted Jesuit author and lecturer, will be guest speaker at a communion breakfast on Sunday morning, the first Sunday in Lent, under the auspices of the combined Harvard and Radcliffe Catholic Clubs.

Catholic students will receive communion in a body at St. Paul's Church, and the breakfast will be served afterwards in the Continental Hotel. The Reverend John Sullivan, Chaplain of the Harvard Catholic Club, will introduce the speaker.

Studied at Oxford

Father Feeney, a native of Lynn, studied at Woodstock College, the Sorbonne, and Oxford before coming here in 1931 to teach English at Boston College. He is the author of numerous volumes of prose and verse, and several biographies. Among his better-known works are "Riddle and Reverie," "The Brown Derby," and "Fish on Friday." At present, he is stationed at St. Benedict's Center.
