
Fencers to Defend Unbeaten Record At M.I.T. Today

An unblemished record will be at stake for Rene Peroy's Varsity swordsmen when they journey downstream today to challenge M.I.T. in the first of this week's two matches. At the same time, the Freshmen will be fighting to preserve a two-one record when they battle the Engineers' yearling squad.

On the basis of past performance, the match should pose no problem for the musketeers, but Peroy makes no promises for this or any future contest. Captain manager Don Van Roosen is more optimistic, however, and foresees "a lot of good trips" on the rest of the schedule.

Army, Cornell, and Columbia are all slated to put up stiff fights, but Peroy's expert teaching is developing some competent swordsmen from his early-season novices. Paul Edelman and Jean Barricelli have turned in many winning matches in both epee and saber, while Masterson has dominated the foils department with three victories against both Brown and Amherst.
