
AVC to Offer Two Speakers On Vet Policy

Time Correspondent, Stassen's Aide to Keynote Discussion On National, Foreign Affairs

Featuring brief addresses by Richard E. Lauterbach, Time and Life correspondent, and Cord Meyer, Jr. former adviser to Harold E. Stassen, the University Chapter of the American Veterans Committee will hold its first meeting of the term tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock in Emerson D.

Lauterbach, AVC member and author of the recently-published "Through Russia's Back Door," will discuss AVC national policy, and will answer questions concerning his views of foreign affairs. Meyer, who is a member of the AVC's National Planning Committee, will outline the organization's present international policy.

Elections on Agenda

Following the symposium Stanley G. Karson '48, chairman of the unit's delegation to the Massachusetts AVC Convention, will report on the parley to the membership. Also on the agenda are elections to fill vacancies in the posts of Treasurer, Veterans Affairs and Membership Committee chairmen. Dick Reeves 1G, representing the Student Council, will describe opportunities for European rehabilitation work this summer.

Chapter chairman Reginald Zalles 2G said the meeting had been designed for new members and prospective members who are not yet familiar with the AVC program.
