
Debaters Oppose Temple in Term's Opening Contest

With a record of six victories against nine opponents last term, the Debate Council initiates its spring schedule tonight when it opposes Temple University at 8 o'clock in the Eliot House Junior Common Room.

Upholding the affirmative side of the topic, "Resolved, That labor should have a direct share in the management of industry," will be Samuel E. Stuart, 2nd, '46 and Detlev F. Vagts '49.

The Debate Council has already scheduled nine events for this term, and is now arranging for several others. As usual, the spring season will be brought to a climatic end by the triangular Harvard-Yale-Princeton bout at the end of April.

It is also sponsoring the organization of an inter-House debate series, which will be open to any resident of the Houses competing. The first of these series has been tentatively set for late this month.

Tryouts for the Council will be held during March, Robert M. Beren '47, Council president, announced recently.
