
Band, Grid Stars to Fete 1,300 PBH Kids

Football stars, cheerleaders, and Christmas carols will feature a special concert December 17 now being planned by the Harvard Band and the Phillips Brooks House for 1300 boys from settlement houses in the Boston area.

The free entertainment at Sanders Theatre is part of the PBH Social Service Committee's efforts to provide extra fun for members of local boys' clubs, Charles Lipton '48, head of Brooks House, stated yesterday.

Vince Moravec, Ken O'Donnell, Chip Gunnon, Jim Kenary, Emil Drvaric, and Chet Pierce are among the Crimson gridmen who will great the boys, along with George Hauptfuhrer, varsity basketball captain. The cheerleaders will be on hand to present several tumbling routines.

The band's program will mainly be-comprised of football medleys, service marches, and Christmas carols.
