
'48 to Choose 15 Permanent Class Officials

Vote Next Week to Elect Final Group

Election machinery to choose the Class of '48 Permanent Class Committee began to function yesterday as the members of the temporary committee urged their classmates to suggest names for the consideration of the nominating committee which meets Friday.

The elections, which will take place on Thursday and Friday of next week, will pick a 15-man permanent committee to direct the affairs of the class after graduation. The three men who draw the most votes will be designated as class marshals, and the top man among them will represent his class as first marshal.

Class Opinion Important

The nominating committee, consisting of the members of the temporary committee still in college and an additional member of the class from each House chosen by the House committees, will give "primary consideration" to the recommendations of the class as a whole, said Thomas R. Morse, chairman of the temporary committee.

Their slate, including the members of the nominating committee themselves, will appear in Saturday morning's CRIMSON, and further nominations in the form of petitions bearing signatures of 25 members of the class, will be received in Dunster House G-44 until 10 o'clock Sunday night. The final list of candidates is limited to 45 names, Morse said.


Absentees May Vote

Class of '48 members who have graduated will be eligible for election, the committee announced, and will receive ballots in the mail at the same time that voting in the College takes place.

Following the election, the new committee will meet to chose a permanent secretary and treasurer from their own ranks or from the class at large and to nominate candidates for the Class Day committee.

When the nominating committee completes its shores, House appointed election committees made up of members of the Class of 1949 will take over supervision of the balloting
