Jayvee and Freshman hockey squads this afternoon will preview tonight's Varsity opener of the 1947-48 ice season in two informal scrimmages against teams from Andover and Boston College.
The two Arena tune-ups will find coaches Johnny Chase and Stan Priddy looking for the 16 men who will comprise the final rosters. Present Yardling candidates who will dress of the tilt number 26, while the Jayvee crew is down to 20.
Actual starting line-ups have been named, although the coaches have disclosed that the entire squads will probably participate in the two contests. For the Jayvee's, the promising first line of Tony Briggs, George McLaughlin and George Lorring will be in the face-off. Among the defensemen is Hunt Maurran, JV football fullback, while Harcourt Wood will start in the nets.
Possible Jayvee Promotion
In the event several Varsity skaters are declared ineligible for tonight's game, Jayvee men will be moved up to take their places.
From the 40 who originally came out for the Freshman squad at the beginning of the practice period, Coach. Priddy has formed a fast line out of Warren Carman, Sherrill Houston, and Joe Kittridge.
John Stubbs, Tom Connors and Jim Lowell, Freshman back during the grid season, will alternate at defense, while Bayard Robb and Tom Cavanaugh will handle the goal.
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