
Salzburg Site Will Be Used As Rest Home

Haven Opens Up to European Students

Leopoldskron, site of the Salzburg summer seminar, went into year round operation last week, opening as the only winter rest home for students in Central Europe.

Beginning with 35 students, the project will accommodate 60 after January 1, the Salzburg committee reported to the Student Council last night, as the Council assumed sponsorship of the camp in conjunction with World Student Service Fund and International Student Service.

The 35 will come from Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Italy, and Austria. The larger group will include students from Eastern European countries.

Ideal Site

Richard D. Campbell '48 conceived the plan and has been directing it in Salzburg since its inception. He reported that $15,000 will operate the home for seven months, including the price of a new central heating system.


A previous attempt to establish a rest home in this area failed because of lack of facilities. Leopoldskron, providing an ideal situation, was made available to the rest home project by the Seminar for use in winter months.

Providing complete rest, and food above the 1,500 calorie near-starvation diet prevalent in Central Europe, the project hopes to help exhausted students back to health.
