
Glee Club Plans Non-Profit Tour Of North Europe

Plans for the proposed Glee Club tour of Northern Europe next summer are taking shape but still have a long way to go, graduate manager Barr Peterson '47, 1GB, said last night.

Covering Scandinavia and Holland in two months' time, and embracing a program of concerts in old churches and outdoor folkparks, the trip will be made strictly as a contribution to international relations. Letters from the countries involved give every indication the Club will be welcomed heartily.

Non-Profit Tour

"The tour is being made with no intention of taking profits from the countries visited, "Peterson emphasized. "Accordingly, it has been planned as nearly as possible on a self-sustaining basis within each country visited. In Holland, any proceeds will be given to a sanatorium foundation for disabled exunderground workers."

The Scandinavian portion of the trip is sponsored nominally by the American Swedish Historical Muscum of Philadelphia.
