In the midst of its rejoicing following United Nations approval of Palestine partition, the University Zionist Society announced last night that it had "adapted" Le Havot he Bashan, an agricultural colony in the southern part of the Holy Land.
David Kliger '47, member of the organization's education committee, received a letter yesterday from Miss Miriam Shalteal, a student at the Hebrew University and a member of the colony, linking the Zionists here with the Palestine group. Her letter was in answer to one written by Kliger expressing the Zionist Society's desire to assist a Jewish community.
Will Supply Books
Zionists here will furnish the settlement with books and scientific reports as well us maintain an exchange of ideas through the mails. The Society is at work filling Miss Shalteal's request for 15 scientific texts including works on agricultural science.
Meanwhile the U. N. Assembly's decision brought diverse reactions from Zionist and Arab students here.
A, Jack Koosan '47, chairman of the Zionist Society, tempered his enthusiasm with the statement that "this is the beginning of a tremendous job. The Jewish State is assured, put it is not yet established; it does, however, give us a new incentive."
Arab Spokesman Bitter
Speaking for the Arabs, Isam S. Kheiry '51, of Jaffa, Palostine, said, "It is very terrible. I will not accept it." He believed the Zionists would quarrel and cause foreign intervention.
"Internal Jewish strife and Arab-Jewish warfare will massare millions of civilians, and Russia will gain the opportunity to spread Communism in the Near East," Kheiry added.
Asked about the possibility of open war, he stated that Arabs from the entire Near East would join to expel the Zionists. Kheiry warned that "the United States and the United Nations will regret the sin they have committed; If not now, in the future."
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