
Screen Scenarists' Head Will Attack Red Charge Here

Continuing his fight against the Red label recently fastened on the Screen Writers' Guild by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, Emmet Lavery, president of the Guild, will address the Liberal Union and other local Students for Democratic Action chapters Thursday at 7:15 o'clock in Emerson D.

Lavery is in Boston for the opening of his new comedy. "The Gentleman from Athens," which aroused a considerable stir when Lela Rogers mother of Ginger, termed it Communistic on America's Town Meeting of the Air. The producer and author have filed a $2 million libel suit.

When be testified before the House Committee, Lavery remarked, "I am not a Communist. I never have been, and I never intend to be."

As the "only authorized spokesman of the Screen Writers' Guild," he added that the Communist influence in the Guild has been greatly overrated. Since he has been head, he declared, Communists had never been able to gain control.
