
Two Charters Of Opponents Pass Council

The Student Council last night opened the flood-gates to a possible wave of new College political organizations by stamping approval on the charter applications of the Harvard Committee for Wallace and the Harvard Young Republicans. Final charter decision rests with the dean's office.

Also approved by the Council at its regular meeting was a revived College Philatelic Club and the Appleton Club, a non-sectarian religious group composed of persons who regularly attend Memorial Chapel services.

Precedent Set

In passing the charter applications, the Council set a precedent for recognizing nascent political groups. Members agreed that there would probably be a large number of organizations springing up between now and the national elections next year, and most members saw no harm in approving them so long as their aims do not overlap.

A University charter carries with it privileges to use University buildings for meetings and bulletin boards for notices.


Discussion also centered on entertainment of visiting athletic teams. The Council appointed Edward L. Maguire '46 and William R. Hall '49, a member of the Undergraduate Athletic Council, to study entertainment set-ups in other schools, with an eye to organizing a similar system here.
