"Just incidentally, when is Dick Harlow going to start proving his touted greatness as a coach? . . . I am beginning to suspect, pretty darkly, that he is just another Stengel, which is to say that he is just another fellow who has a local job and, having one, becomes a stickout until he loses it." --October 14.
"Dick Harlow has played his cards with almost limitless skill. . . . There are some men who cannot be repaid for their effort in mere money, and certainly no amount of the stuff can have recompensed Harlow for the unequal struggles he always has fought and the brilliant victories he often has achieved. For this man, I ask the miracle of a victory." --November 21.
"No honest man in the last twenty years has been able to write about Harvard football, for there gas been none. . . . College football in New England . . . is in its usual mess." --October 14.
"This is Harvard-Yale week, as only the oldsters in the newspaper business would remember." --November 20.
"Harvard will win this game, and for good reasons . . . It will stage a battle in the highest tradition of the greatest of Harvard teams . . . On paper Yale has much the better material and much the better football players and much the better of everything with the exception of coaching . . . But there are bonfires blazing in young hearts, this day of the game . . . and somewhere on this Harvard squad there is a Swiscki or a Procter whose name will shout at you from tomorrow's headlines, for this Harvard team will win." --November 22
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