
Eliot Grid Champ as Houses Win Three, Lose Four to Yale

Crimson House football teams won three games, tied one, and lost four in traditional contests with their Yale College counterparts yesterday afternoon on Walter Camp Field. Eliot House defeated Saybrook, 8 to 0, in the tital match, although the Mastodons were humiliated 58 to 0 by Yale's Pierson in their championship touch football engagement.

Eliot 8 Saybrook 0

Eliot's pennant winning Mastodons allied twice in the second quarter and shut out Yale's league-leading Saybrook College, 8 to 0. The men in Blue battled evenly throughout the game and held the ball most of the second half, but the Crimson visitors capitalized on fumbles and intercepted passes to halt all scoring advances.

Four big plays produced the TD just at the end of the first half. A Dick Meussel to Dave Abbot pass was followed by a Dave McGiffert to Eddie Carroll completion. Halfback, George Golphin them swept left end and galloped to the one-yard line, whence fullback Austie Lyne plunged over for the score.

Coach Charlie Mains said afterwards he was pleased with the line play of guards Bob Adams and John Quisenberry, tackie Bob Fisher, and end Dave Wheeler.


Leverett 6 Timothy Dwight 0

Bob Zimmerman hurled a long pass to Bill MacVickar in Leverett's game with Timothy Dwight to put the Bunnies deep in scoring territory, and then connected with end Pete Duble for 20 yards and the winning touchdown. Neither squad threatened thereafter as fine Eli punting kept the Rabbits bottled up.

Dudley 6 Silliman 0

Dudley's gridmen hit paydirt in the third quarter on a 50-yard pass play from Dave Bishop to Bob Duncan. Bishop put the Commuters in scoring territory again in the fourth period on a 32-yard romp, but Silliman held on their own 8.

Dunster 6 Berkeley 9

Berkeley scored early on a touchdown and conversion and went on to edge out Dunster, scoring two points on bad Dunster pass from center. The Crimson contingent came right back in the same half to score with a fine passing attack, but could score no further in the two succeeding quarters.

Kirkland 0 Calhoun 0

Kirklad ran into a tough line and pass interceptions and Calhoun found its drive cut short by costly fumbles as these teams battle to a scoreless deadlock. The Deacons penetrated to the ten-yard line at one point, but failed to connect for a touchdown.

Adams 0 Jonathan Edwards 6

Adams drove in the first half but failed to score. In the second half, Jonathan Edwards received a fumbled ball on the opposing 30-yard line and drove for the only score of the game.

Lowell 7 Pierson 16

Lowell could not get started as Pierson jumped to a two touchdown lead before the Bellboys could tally on latter game passes. The Elis also negotiated a field goal.

Winthrop 0 Davenport 26

Davemport started to drive late in its game with Winthrop and tallied three times in the second half to rout the visitors. A tremendous Puritan drive in the final minutes of play ended in disaster with an 85-yard return of a pass interception.

Eliot 0 Pierson 58

(Touch Football)

"We gop a couple of bad breaks" revealed Stretch Cryton, Mastoden gridiron mogul, after his slippery band of touch football titalists dropped a close one to Pierson. His cohort, "balding Stu" Bottle, had already flied to the bluffs.
