
Crimson, Eli Glee Clubs Hold Joint Songfest Tonight

Sixty members of the Glee Club will leave Cambridge this afternoon to take part in the traditional pre-Yale game concert at New Haven this evening. The combined Harvard and Yale Glee Clubs will take the stand at 8:15 o'clock in the Elis' Woolsey Hall.

The Crimson end of this evening's program, as announced last night, will be substantially the same as that offered here before the Princeton game two weeks ago. To the three "American Sea Chanteys" sung at that time, a fourth, "Shenondoah," has been added for this program by conductor G. Wallace Woodworth '24, Professor of Music. All of the madrigals, canons, and the selections from "Liebesleider Walzer" that were heard at the Tiger concert will be repeated, along with the usual football songs and other College standbys.

The Yale Glee Club, which is conducted by Marshall Bartholomew, will combine with the Crimson in the final section of the program to sing "Old Bangum," an American folk ballad, "Fair Harvard," and Yale-song "Bright College Years."
