
Special Train Will Bear Six Squads to Eli

Sports Combatants Set Out Tomorrow

Two hundred and twenty-seven members of an official party, including 137 actual combatants, will board the Football Train for New Haven tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.

As fitting with the intricacies of modern gridiron warfare, the players, comprising the Varsity, Jayvee, Freshman, and Eliot House Championship teams, will be accompanied by ten coaches, six trainers, four doctors, 17 managers, and six equipment managers.

Booters, Moguls Entrain

Other athletic units aboard the train include the Varsity and Yardling soccer squads, 37 men in all, plus two mentors and two managers. Athletic Association director William J. Bingham '16, business manager Carroll F. Getchell, and ticket manager Frank O. Lunden round out the group.

To complete the New Haven weekend sports picture, the seven other House football teams and the Eliot House touch-football champions, who are slated to combat Pierson College, will wend their way to the Yale battleground by plane, car, and thumb.
