Four members of Dick Harlow's coaching staff gave individual answers last night to the charge that the College's football hierarchy is breaking up, and their opinions went beyond a united and emphatic "no" to indicate a strong devotion for the team.
Yesterday's Boston Daily Record implied in one of its routine signed columns that "the entire staff of assistant coaches at Harvard resigned in a body last Saturday, their resignation to take effect after the Harvard-Yale game on Saturday."
"Nothing in it"
Line coach Harold Kopp was contacted first by telephone at his home in Framingham. "First I've heard of it," he said with genuine concern. There absolutely is not a thing in it," he continued, adding, "we've been working so hard on Yale we haven't even thought about our own team for next year."
Bob Margarita, backfield coach, was also reached by phone at his home in Medford. He reasserted that the report was groundless. Meanwhile, Harry Jacunski was questioned at the Varsity Club, where he was going over the Yale scouting reports with Jayvee mentor Chief Boston.
Jacunski was mentioned specifically in the controversial column, which was written by alumnus Dave Egan '22. Egan began: "So now, dear friends, go out and bet that next head coach at Holy Cross will be Hugh Devore. Go out and bet, too, that his line coach will be Harry Jacunski."
Heard It Before
After denying this statement, the Varsity end coach said, "Funny somebody back home told me the same thing." As a possible explanation, the one-time Green Bay end mentioned that he started his coaching career under Devore at Notre Dame.
Chief Boston agreed with his associates, shrugging off Egan with, "That's the way he makes a living."
Appearing frequently in the Record, this columnist has engaged in a sensational denunciation of New England football and many of its leading personalities.
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