To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The well-known hospitality of your letters column to all political points of view will, I am sure, extend to this brief attempt to answer the letter of Mrs. Virginia Jones in your November 14th issue.
In criticizing my participation in a forum over WHDH on behalf of the Harvard Young Republican Club, Mrs. Jones rather lengthily bemoans the fact that such a latter-day Cotton Mather should "represent" Harvard. In this she does less than justice to Mr. Dick Hayes of Harvard the New England Regional President of the Students for Democratic Action who was on the same forum and likewise represented Harvard. One can only speculate as to what induced Miss Jones to overlook Mr. Hayes so completely; my "boorish" tactics certainly did not stifle him altogether.
Since the other two students on the forum were B.U. men representing the Young Progressive Citizens of America and the American Youth for Democracy, the program was not exactly overloaded with reactionaries. Mrs. Jones outrage at the presence of a lone Republican suggests that, despite her doubts, there may be a moral in her letter after all. William A. Rusher 3L. President, Harvard Young Republican Club.
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