
Truman to Ask Foreign Aid, Price Action Before Special Congress; Reuther Faction Gains in U.A.W.

International: Big British Tax Rises Demanded

Drastic Increases in British taxes next year were called for yesterday by the Labor government in its Autumn budget. The new program would double company earning lovies, greatly increase all excise taxes, and institute a new toll on football and dog race betting.

France Spain received a diplomatic blow as the United Nations Political Committee reaffirmed a Soviet-sponsored resolution that calls on U.N. members to withdraw their ambassadors from Madrid and for the Security Council to act if Spain did not establish a democratic regime in a "reasonable" time.

Five young Jews were killed in Palestine by British troops and police in a raid on a school operated by the Jewish underground.

Chinese Communists have completed the conquest of Shihkinchwang, an important rail junction which gives them a position of immense strategic value.

The Weather: Sunny and cold today, with temperatures in the high thirties and low forties. Fair and continued cold tomorrow.
